Thursday, April 4, 2019

Post 10: Search Tools Ninja

I took a look at sweetsearch and yippy.  I was not familiar with either of these and I am really looking for opportunities for students to conduct a search, and I do not have to be concerned that inappropriate information is going to come up.  Sweetsearch was great because students could search and there were no ads popping up on the sides and the information was related to the search as I tested out a few search ideas.  I thought about how students sometimes get to do a research report or a biography about a person.   Many times students like to choose a singer or sports player and inappropriate pictures, social media, or news clips can come up.  However, using sweetsearch seemed to give more appropriate information and the information was coming from reputable sources.  This is also something that we are trying to teach students all the time..."Just because you see it on the internet does not mean it is true." Students many times like to include images with their projects and this search engine was doing a good job providing appropriate pictures.  I also looked at yippy it seemed to do similar to sweetsearch as I tried to search people and images.  It kept information appropriate for students.  I really liked how it had the features of narrowing down a topic on the side.  Students are sometimes unsure on how to narrow topics down and this I think would help them learn this particular skill.

1 comment:

  1. I love tools that give you ways to help focus a topic, so helpful for students (and the rest of us too!) Google used to have a feature like this and dropped it, sadly.
