Thursday, March 14, 2019

Thing 04: Twitter

I joined twitter during the Summer of the school year with the intention of using it more for my class and looking for professional resources.  However,  all I did was join.  So this was a great opportunity to begin looking for resources.  I started with tlchat and saw some very interactive and engaging ideas for student lessons in the classroom.  I am now following tlchat, edchat, and slscoolstools.  I found the teacher that my class writes pen pal letter too.  She posts all kinds of activities her students are doing, and celebrates exciting things in her classroom with tweets.  I also found teachers at my school who post great teaching ideas and fun exciting moments with their class.  I would like to start using twitter to show off great student work.  I would also like to use twitter to show great ideas that have in the classroom.  I think this would be a great way that students families can be engaged in what is happening in the classroom as well.  Since I am always looking for more ways to engage parents. A goal would be to try and tweet something at least once a month until the end of the school year.

1 comment:

  1. Those are 3 great hashtags to be following, though my #slscootools hashtag will probably start to decline soon as I get closer to retirement. :) Nice work exploring twitter.
